Iggly-Biggly...Flip Flop Sensation!

 Do You Want a Part of This Niche Market?

Do you think that there is huge potential in the niche market. Well let's see.... Iggly Biggly went into pre-launch on March 1, 2009 and already is growing at an astounding 1000 people per week..... As of June 1st, 12,000 distributors have joined us.

International distributors are welcome, Iggly Biggly's "theme" is now "Pay It Forward World". However, international members must donate their product, they will not be mailing flip flops out of the country, at least not in the beginning. The charity of choice is Feed The Children.

Iggly Biggly is a company about product. Lisa has had the wholesale company for 3 years. The pay plan structure is simple, but very lucrative if you want it to be. You can read more about the opportunity here